Engagement Models

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Benchcode Solutions offers different pricing models to meet global clients’ diverse needs.


1. Fixed Time / Fixed Price
2. Time & Material
3. Milestone Billing
4. Dedicated Development Team


We also understand that customers are increasingly demanding the flexibility – we can customize a model to address your specific needs.



1. Fixed Time/ Fixed Price

Benchcode Solutions offers customers a fixed time / fixed price model when the scope and specifications of the project are reasonably clear. Under this low-risk model we work with clients to define expected deliverables and timelines to determine a mutually agreed fixed price. Our refined process guarantees reliability, predictability and optimized performance of the projects and assures on-time and on-budget results.


2. Time and Material

Through the Time & Material Business Model Benchcode Solutions gives customers greater flexibility to alter the project specification on an ongoing basis based on upcoming market trends. This model best suits complex projects inclined to specification and design changes. The client pays an hourly rate which is agreed on contract signing. The client may revise the team size optimizing the cost and duration of the project.


3. Milestone Billing

This option can be applied to large long-lasting projects with measurable phases. Payment schedules are defined on time (e.g. monthly) or milestone basis. This model reinforces progress monitoring and reduces large projects risks.


4. Dedicated Development Team

Dedicated team operates as an extension of the customer’s development center. In this model, Iflexion forms project teams with the required team members, project managers, equipment and infrastructure based on the client’s requirements. For such dedicated relationships, we may offer implement customer specific quality/process frameworks trained for the specific needs of the Client.